Are young people really uninterested in local politics? GaYa project partners believe that teenagers and young adults often just lack opportunities to have a say. So, they tested many ways to involve young people in local decision-making: Parc des Bauges (FR) organised a festival to gather ideas for its new development plan; the town of Kranjska Gora (SI) set up a participatory budgeting web platform; the city of Lausanne (CH) created a youth council whose 60 members work with local policy-makers. As municipalities often meet similar obstacles when trying to increase youth participation, GaYa included in its toolbox a set of “try different” cards, each highlighting how an alternative approach can help overcome these issues.
- 2014 – 2020
- Well-Governed
- Increase the application of multilevel and transnational governance in the Alpine Space
- Group 1: To develop an effective research and innovation ecosystem
- Group 2: To increase the economic potential of strategic sectors
- Group 3: To improve the adequacy of labour market, education and training in strategic sectors
- 11/2016
- 02/2019
- 1.092.748 EUR
- 928.836 EUR
- 44.40764328.9330596
- 47.409102899999999.738831549556004
- 47.41689459.7389871
- 46.494530211.3472734
- 45.5638749999999965.925742711213934
- 45.68716856.1354434067460275
- 46.000974814.0211003
- 47.7223896512.875569868727595

Comparative report “Democratic Innovation and Participatory Democracy in the Alpine Area”
StrategyThe report provides a portrait of the legal framework of democratic innovation in the Alpine States and Regions and maps empirical trends by collecting good examples of and statements on participatory democracy implemented in the Alpine region. -
Youth Participation Toolbox
ToolA Way to Bring the Youth and Authorities Together: GaYA’s Youth Participation Toolbox aims to provide insight and show the path to creating youth participation processes.The package includes ‘Thoughts, Models and Methods’ brochure, case studies, Try Different Cards, Youth Participation Canvas and three posters. -
Policy Recommendations on youth participation
StrategyThe GaYA project partners address policy recommendations to the political leaders of the Alpine region to assist them in reestablishing trust among young people and reconnecting young citizens to their home areas.In order to facilitate change, the GaYA project partners address you, the political leaders of the Alpine region, with the following policy recommendations. Their ambition is to assist you in reestablishing trust among young people and reconnecting young citizens to their home areas. -
Practical Recommendations to involve young citizen
StrategyEngage in a hike through the different stages of youth participation and follow the advice to reach the summit.You have the ambition to involve young citizens in local decision-making? You’re thinking of using a participatory process to involve youth in adopting a specific decision? Engage in a hike through the different stages of youth participation and follow the advice to reach the summit. -
Local action plans of participation
ToolPlans range from setting up youth commissions, increasing transparency and designing youth rooms to revising municipal youth policies, different forms of youth participatory budgeting or even adding youth to the governance models of entire regions.Based on these local events, participation canvases have been prepared and further combined into Local Action Plans of Participation. Plans range from setting up youth commissions, increasing transparency and designing youth rooms to revising municipal youth policies, different forms of youth participatory budgeting or even adding youth to the governance models of entire regions. Take a look at what is happening! -
Inspiring videos made by youth
ToolYoung people from different Alpine countries participated in the GaYA film competition "My Alps, my chance".The result is sixteen creative and imaginative films. Let them inspire you! You can watch here the trailer to the film contest.