The future of INTERREG – Consultation of stakeholders

May 16, 2024

Are you passionate about transnational cooperation and the future of Interreg programs?

Here’s your chance to make a difference! By answering just 8 questions, you can contribute to shaping the next generation of cooperation strategies.

Why Participate?
🖍 Influence Policy: Your insights will directly impact the design and implementation of Interreg programs.
🖍 Strengthen Cooperation: By sharing your opinions, you’ll help foster collaboration across borders.
🖍 Support Sustainable Development: Interreg programs play a crucial role in addressing common challenges such as biodiversity preservation, climate change, and employment.

How to Participate ?
Visit the Survey: Click here to access the survey
Answer the Questions: It will take just a few minutes to provide your valuable input.
Deadline: June 14, 2024

🗣️Spread the Word ! Encourage others to participate and amplify the impact!

Let’s build a stronger, more connected Europe together. Your voice matters!