Discover the ARPAF III projects

Jun 18, 2024

At the end of 2023, three projects co-financed under the ARPAF III (Alpine Region Preparatory Action Fund) were successfully completed. The projects addressed transnational challenges, including carbon neutrality, quality of life, and the protection of natural and cultural resources in the Alpine region. Discover

  • Caesar2 focused on enhancing energy efficiency and decarbonisation. The project developed tools for energy audits in SMEs and created customizable checklists for national and regional adaptation, aiding the transition to more sustainable practices. Project results correspond with the general objectives of the EUSALP Action Plan, supporting energy efficiency and decarbonisation of processes and products.
  • COWORCare concentrated on coworking spaces in the Alps. The project launched an online platform to find coworking spaces (see ) and developed a concept for implementing COWORCare pop-up coworking sites. With these results, the projects contributed to EUSALP’s goal to improve access to social and economic services of general interest in rural areas and helped to link mountain regions and urban areas.
  • MadeIntheAlps project explored how the image of the Alps can be a joint cultural asset. Through research and pilot actions, it identified strengths and weaknesses of different territorial branding mode, facilitating the creation of value chains across regions in traditional Alpine sectors. The project particularly contributed to the work plan of EUSALP action group 6, which work on preservation and valorisation of natural resources.
    Watch the video summarising the project and EUSALP Youth Council contribution.


What is the Alpine Region Preparatory Action Fund (ARPAF)?

Launched on the initiative of the European Parliament, ARPAF is a preparatory action to promote the success of EU strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP). It provides funds to support EUSALP Action Groups in implementing their work plans and fostering economic and social cooperation in the Alpine macro-region.

Managed by the Land Salzburg as the Managing Body, ARPAF I and II enabled EUSALP Action Groups to implement 11 projects by 2021. This support continued with ARPAF III, which funded three projects through to the end of 2023, with a total budget of € 400.000.