AMETHyST at the event “Hydrogen to decarbonize mountain regions” in Evian on June 25th

Jul 8, 2024

The Communauté de communes Pays d’Évian Vallée d’Abondance (CCPEVA), in partnership with Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Énergie Environnement, Tenerrdis and the AMETHyST project, organized a day-long event on hydrogen in the mountains, on Tuesday June 25 in Evian.

The goals were to share feedback, highlight solutions and encourage meetings between French and European public and private players. The event brought together almost 90 participants to discuss the progress and prospects of the hydrogen as a sustainable energy source in mountain areas, and the potential of H2 lake mobility in the host region.

Of particular note were:

  1. The importance of hydrogen for decarbonizing certain uses that are relevant and adapted to territories, such as mountain areas, with specific climatic and geographical constraints.
  2. The strong potential for the development of cross-border passenger ships on Lake Geneva: a long-term challenge requiring strategic plannin;
  3. The need to create spaces for exchanges and partnerships between the public and private sectors to bring together supply and demand. partnerships with neighbouring territories; experimental projects; on a European scale; with players who are located across the entire value chain: production, storage, distribution and end uses.
  4. The vital role of local authorities in facilitating and supporting innovative projects, local players.