Best Practice Cards: New Education Material available

Jul 16, 2024

To present the CEFoodCycle research project at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, (German-language) cards were created that focus on circular economy best practices in the food sector. The best practice cards are used at events, training courses etc. to break down the complex topic to a tangible level using real company examples.

We would like to make the cards and the concept available to the public:

download here


1. Aim
To raise awareness of food waste and waste.

2. Learning objectives
– Raise awareness: Participants should recognise the importance of food waste.
– Promote understanding: To teach the basics of the food supply chain and waste prevention.
– To familiarise participants with best practices: to present examples of successful companies.

3. Content
Description of Austrian companies that implement effective circular economy strategies to reduce waste

4. Possible applications
The cards can be hung up on a pin board or presented as cards. The relevant card can be picked up during the explanation to draw attention to it.