Interreg Alpine Space


AlpSatellites co-creation workshops

AlpSatellites co-creation workshops

Throughout the month of April, Alpsatellites' partners kept on holding workshops with entrepreneurs, students, regional and local institutions. On 28th of March, in Italy, the Unité des Communes Valdôtaines Evançon and the University of Valle d'Aosta organized a...

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MOSAIC was presented by INRAE to EUSALP AG6 (27 and 28 February 2023) and by PARN (one of the project's French observer) to AG 8 (15 March 2023), one of the objectives of which was to build their respective work plans for the period 2023-2025.

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First half-yearly Project Management Meeting

First half-yearly Project Management Meeting

The first half-yearly Project Management Meeting (PMP1) will take place in the office of the partner IIASA, (Laxenburg in Austria) from 23rd to 25th of May. In addition to administrative and financial issues, a workshop will be dedicated to the issues of climate...

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The MOSAIC Kick-off Meeting

The MOSAIC Kick-off Meeting

The MOSAIC Kick-off Meeting has been held in Innsbruck in Austria from 19th to 20th January 2023.This first hybrid meeting (face-to-face and online) has bring together the 12 project partners from France, Italy, Slovenia, Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and...

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1st H2MA Project Newsletter

1st H2MA Project Newsletter

We kindly invite you to read the 1st Newsletter of the H3MA project here! In the newsletter, you can find information about the project and project activities that we carried out together with the project partners in the past period. If you would like to receive our...

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Project Partner Meeting in Bolzano

Project Partner Meeting in Bolzano

The first face-to-face Alps4GreenC project meeting after the Kickoff-Meeting took place at the location of the project partner UNIBZ, the NOI Techpark in Bolzano, Italy. Marco Baratieri (UNIBZ) opened the meeting and introduce UNIBZ/NOI Techpark and the project...

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Here is the FIRST issue of ADAPTNOW E-Newsletter!

Here is the FIRST issue of ADAPTNOW E-Newsletter!

The first issue of the ADAPTNOW Newsletter has been distributed in April 2023. In the Newsletter we would like to introduce you to our project, its activities, project partners and some of our news. This newsletter contributes to the commitment towards a more...

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I-SWAMP: back to field work in the Alpine wetlands of Italy

I-SWAMP: back to field work in the Alpine wetlands of Italy

Early snowmelt following a snow-scarce winter has uncovered the valley floor wetlands in San Vito di Cadore (Veneto, Italy) that we have selected for I-SWAMP: our staff went back to the field for the first amphibian survey in Mosigo resurgence springs and La Zopa...

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Spring awakens life in the Alpine wetlands of Slovenia

Spring awakens life in the Alpine wetlands of Slovenia

Although the spring has begun in most of Slovenia, due to its higher locations, the alpine wetlands are still hidden under a layer of snow. A first rise of temperatures melted the snow and thus enabled access to the high alpine wetlands that we want to restore in the...

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Kick-Off Perspectives: Hydrogen in the Alps

Kick-Off Perspectives: Hydrogen in the Alps

Mountain territories are facing major challenges: transforming tourism activity, maintaining their economic attractiveness, adapting to climate change, securing their resources, developing renewable energies in order to reach carbon neutrality objectives. The...

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H2MA project dissemination

H2MA project dissemination

On the 23th of March, representative Matevž Šilc from lead partner KSSENA, presented H2MA project at the H2 FOCUS GROUP of the EUSALP (EU TRATEGY FOR THE ALPINE REGION). At the video conference AMETHyST project was also presented, which is another ongoing H2-related...

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Study visit of JVP company in Padova, Italy

Study visit of JVP company in Padova, Italy

“The cradle-to-cradle approach is a methodology for continuous improvement of sustainable economy, finalized to represent a point of reference for several value chains”, says Carlo Valerio, president of Confapi Padova and partner of JVP Srl. “It is an already...

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AMETHyST on the 4th EU Macro-Regional Strategies Week

AMETHyST on the 4th EU Macro-Regional Strategies Week

The 4th EU Macro-Regional Strategies Week will take place in hybrid format from 24-28 April 2023 in Brussels and online. Following the slogan transform to thrive, the event will focus on three themes: Energy, Skills and Funding. It is the biggest annual event...

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ZRC SAZU / Get to know the Partner

ZRC SAZU / Get to know the Partner

ZRC SAZU – Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts is the foremost Slovenian public research center for social sciences and humanities. It specializes in the management and implementation of research and applied projects, extending its work to...

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AlpSatellites workshops with local communities

AlpSatellites workshops with local communities

Throughout March, Alpsatellites partners were busy involving local communities in the project's activities. In Italy, the Unité des Communes valdôtaines Evançon and the University of Valle d'Aosta have organized three workshops aimed at analyzing possible solutions to...

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Fribourg: Conference on circular economy & EB meeting

Fribourg: Conference on circular economy & EB meeting

The School of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg (HES-SO//FR HEIA-FR), project partner in the Interreg project Cradle-ALP, will host the EUSALP conference on Circular Economy on March 30-31, 2023. Switzerland holds the presidency of the European Union...

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Alps4GreenC on Slovenian TV

Alps4GreenC on Slovenian TV

Our Slovenian colleague Jure Voglar from the National Institute of Chemistry had the pleasure to present the Interreg Alpine Space project Alps4GreenC on Slovenian TV. As a young ambassador of the "Green Cohesion" project he explained the Alps4GreenC project and its...

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CERVINO at the World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED)

CERVINO at the World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED)

“Never let a good energy crisis go to waste”! (adapted from Winston Churchill) The price crisis, signs of climate change, and threats to energy security urge us to act like never before. REPowerEU plan reflects this urgency and provides new momentum for the energy...

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