Interreg Alpine Space


Cool*Alps round of talks at the Klimahouse trade fair

Cool*Alps round of talks at the Klimahouse trade fair

Klimahouse is the leading trade fair for sustainable and energy-efficient construction. This year it took place from 8 - 11 March and with 32,000 visitors was close to a new record. As every year, KlimaHaus Agency was present with its own stand, giving partner...

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H2MA project dissemination

H2MA project dissemination

On the 7th of March, representative Matevž Šilc from lead partner KSSENA, participated at the Kick-off meeting of the AMETHyST project, where he presented the H2MA project. KSSENA was invited to participate in Kick-off meeting to find synergies between projects and to...

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AMETHyST project on the WSED 2023 conference in Wels in Austria

AMETHyST project on the WSED 2023 conference in Wels in Austria

The World Sustainable Energy Days 2023 (WSED) is taking place from 28th of February until 3rd of March 2023 in Wels/Austria. Project AMETHyST has been also presented at the event. This year’s theme is: Energy Transition = Energy security! The price crisis, multiplying...

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H2MA project Kick-off meeting

H2MA project Kick-off meeting

On the 22th February 2023, H2MA representatives of partners organizations met in person for the first time since the project start. One day Kick-off meeting was hosted by Energy agency of Savinjska, Koroška and Šaleška region in Celje, Slovenia. After already...

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Alpsatellites’ workshops with local stakeholders

Alpsatellites’ workshops with local stakeholders

Alpsatellites project envisages the engagement and the consultation of local communities in its activities. In Italy, four groups of stakeholders are involved in online and face-to-face workshops. At the beginning of February, local entrepreneurs and mayors, business...

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Crowdsourcing Campaign completed!

Crowdsourcing Campaign completed!

After stakeholder workshops in all project countries followed by calls to participate to the campaign we  successfully completed the Alps4GreeC crowdsourcing campaign. Altogether we received 22 suggestions of residues from stakeholders. Ten came from Italy, eight...

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Kick-off meeting

Kick-off meeting

What a fantastic kick-off meeting in Salzburg at FH Salzburg and Paris Lodron University of Salzburg! 🎉🙌🏼 Thrilled to share that our kick-off meeting in Salzburg was a huge success! We had a great turnout and lots of productive discussions about our upcoming...

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Cool*Alps at BauInnovativ

Cool*Alps at BauInnovativ

We are pleased that we were able to present the project to the interested professional audience at this year's BauInnovativ 2023 event in Bavaria, which resulted in exciting discussions and new contacts. CO2-free heating and cooling in the Alpine region!...

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Alpsatellites’ first newsletter

Alpsatellites’ first newsletter

The success of the AlpSatellites project relies on the partners’ ability to engage local stakeholders in research and co-creation activities and to keep them up to date on how the project is progressing. One means of communication is the project newsletter, a unique...

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I-SWAMP making the news on the World Wetlands Day

I-SWAMP making the news on the World Wetlands Day

On February 2nd 1971 more than 150 world countries signed the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance. February 2nd has become the World Wetlands Day, to celebrate the importance of wetland biodiversity. Wetlands are a highly diverse group of...

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Kick-off of Crowdsourcing Campaign in Austria

Kick-off of Crowdsourcing Campaign in Austria

The Austrian Crowdsourcing Workshop took place on January 24, 2023, after the first date in December was not possible for most of the interested stakeholders. The meeting was organized via MS Teams and was attended by 8 stsakeholders. Other interested stakeholders...

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Kick-off Meeting of the ADAPTNOW project in Grenoble

Kick-off Meeting of the ADAPTNOW project in Grenoble

In the future, recurring disasters related to climate change will affect nature and humans in the Alpine region even more severely and unpredictably than today. In order to be able to cope with unpredictable climate events, ADAPTNOW works on strengthening the adaptive...

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Intertwining cultures / Project teaser video

Intertwining cultures / Project teaser video

One of the first outputs of 2023 is AlpTextyles’ video teaser, a visual tale that presents the project, its visual identity, and payoff. The concept draws inspiration from the main traits of the project: the Alps, the textile heritage, and lifestyles. Each of the 12...

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CERVINO – presenting the project partners

CERVINO – presenting the project partners

To support the Alpine Region in becoming greener and smarter and to be at the forefront of the transition towards carbon neutrality and climate resilience within the EU, the CERVINO project develops an Alpine energy data platform. With the help of reliable macro...

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Digital solutions for a transnational Alpine community

Digital solutions for a transnational Alpine community

Dr. Jure Trilar, a researcher from the Faculty of Electrical engineering, and lead of the 4P Digital Innovation Hub explains, on "Finance" Slovenian newspaper, the approach to digital solutions that address some aspects of work and living in infrastructurally...

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I-SWAMP kicked off!

I-SWAMP kicked off!

I-SWAMP partners met in San Vito di Cadore (Italy) on September 13th and 14th 2022 at the project's kick-off meeting. Representatives of each partner (TESAF department of the University of Padova, Geopark Karawnake-Karawanken and IRSNC/ZRSVN) and for the Austrian...

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Involving Italian Stakeholders: done!

Involving Italian Stakeholders: done!

A group of local stakeholders from the Cadore area (Veneto region, Italy) met in San Vito di Cadore on September 14th, 2022, at the Center for Alpine Environment Studies of the University of Padova. Representatives from the TESAF department presented I-SWAMP and its...

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AlpSatellites partners’ presentation

AlpSatellites partners’ presentation

AlpSatellites project started in September 2022. The small-scale project aims at analyzing opportunities and challenges of telecommuting and co-working in order to attract and integrate young people, workers and digital nomads in rural and mountain areas. The project...

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The Alpine Energy Data Platform – CERVINO

The Alpine Energy Data Platform – CERVINO

The challenges in the Alpine region to become climate-neutral are huge. And, in a way, this goal seems like a huge mountain hike. Using this metaphor of a expedition, helps to explain the relevance of the project CERVINO. When hiking up a mountain, it is a core...

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CERVINO project meeting in Bolzano

CERVINO project meeting in Bolzano

The European Union aims to become carbon-neutral by 2050. In order to provide stakeholders in the Alpine region with reliable energy data for their planning, the CERVINO team has been working since September 2022 on a new data survey as well as on a platform on which...

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Residues wanted!

Residues wanted!

Alps4GreenC is kicking off the Crowdsourcing campaign in December 2022 with a call for residues. Published on Social Media, project partners Newsletters and by personal invitation of stakeholders, we want to raise awareness on our campaign and invite interested...

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Common energy data for the Alpine region!

Common energy data for the Alpine region!

The CERVINO project, which deals with the creation of an energy data exchange and visualization tool for the Alps, started on September 1st, 2022. At a first online project meeting, the five partners from Italy, France and Germany were able to exchange information...

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Kick-off in Ljubljana

Kick-off in Ljubljana

On October 20th, 2022 the National institute of chemistry (project lead partner) invited the project partners from Austria, Italy and Slovenia to a Kick-off meeting in Lublijana, Slovenia. The different project partners had the opportunity to get to know each other...

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