Interreg Alpine Space


Online Kick-off

Online Kick-off

On September 30th, the project partners met for the first time in a virtual meeting to kick off the Interreg Alpine Space project "Alps4GreenC". The project partner in lead introduced the others to the internal communication, talked about the organization of the...

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New version of the Programme Manual

New version of the Programme Manual

We have published a new version of the Programme Manual for the project applicants! It includes two new chapters: D.1 Control and audits and D.7 Reporting. Besides, in the annexes you can now find guidance on how to calculate the assignment percentage. Check these new...

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We interviewed two young people engaged for the Alps!

We interviewed two young people engaged for the Alps!

The EUSALP Youth Council builds bridges between the youth and politics and brings young people from the different Alpine regions together. For a year now, its thematic groups have collaborated on various topics to make the voice of the youth heard in the Alpine...

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Infoday Italy First Call | 18.11.2021

Infoday Italy First Call | 18.11.2021

The national Infoday of Italy will take place in Milano (Palazzo Lombardia - Auditorium Testori) on the 18th of November 2021. The new programming period 2021-2027 will be introduced. Further the results of the previous period 2014-2020 are going to be discussed and...

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