Interreg Alpine Space


AMETHyST second project meeting in Innsbruck

AMETHyST second project meeting in Innsbruck

During the meeting, each partner gave un update on the development of the activities: management overview by AURA-EE and communication overview by ENERGAP & EWO, WP1 overview by FBK, WP2 overview by APE FVG and WP3 overview by CasaClima. After the lunch there was...

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Primary school kids learn about wetland with I-SWAMP!

Primary school kids learn about wetland with I-SWAMP!

The Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation held two natural science days for the primary school of the Pohorski odred in Slovenska Bistrica on 3 and 4 October. The workshops took place in the Bistrica vintgar, where students could experience...

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Community perception of Climate Change in the Alpine tourism

Community perception of Climate Change in the Alpine tourism

Alpine communities are closely connected to the territory and have nature-based livelihoods. The vulnerability of these communities to climate change necessitates the development of adaptation strategies. Therefore, understanding how a community that is connected to...

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Coffee Chaffs to biochar

Coffee Chaffs to biochar

The coffee chaffs from Barcaffe are another feedstock that is tested for biochar production. We asked barcaffe why they are involved in this project. "At Barcaffe, we've always taken pride in crafting exceptional coffee – from the roasting process to the final...

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A new training session to become ClimaSTORY® animator

A new training session to become ClimaSTORY® animator

ClimaSTORY® is a pedagogical tool which offers participants the chance to think about a (fictional) territory from the angle of climate change and to consider adaptation solutions for 5 areas of economic activities. Placed in a real life situation, the participants...

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TranStat talks

TranStat talks

INRAEis TranStat’s Lead Partner Listen to two French researchers of the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment talking about the TranStat Project and their personal connection with it. Emmanuelle George is a Territorial Economist and the...

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Alpine tourism: a future with or without snow

Alpine tourism: a future with or without snow

Author: Markus Redl – Ecoplus Alpin In the ongoing transformation process in ski resorts, it is also important to reduce complexity. To get it down to the point, to get into conversation and to shape the future of ski resorts or mountain resorts operating all year...

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Characterization of wood chips affected by bark beetles

Characterization of wood chips affected by bark beetles

Bark beetle infestation in Val Badia, South Tyrol, Italy has caused extensive damage to spruces in the region. To combat this problem, you can either rely in extremely cold winters (which have become rarer due to climate change) or cutting down affected spruce trees....

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Textile communities gather in Poschiavo / Part 3

Textile communities gather in Poschiavo / Part 3

Alpine textile traditions are at risk. So, it always feels special to gather with those who are keeping this precious knowledge alive with their heart and hands. Last week at lo Poschiavo we were #IntertwiningCultures, gathering different experiences, needs, and...

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AlpSatellites Project: Unlocking Remote Work in Alpine Areas

AlpSatellites Project: Unlocking Remote Work in Alpine Areas

The AlpSatellites project is moving forward: it aims at verifying the potential of remote working in alpine and remotes areas. At the end of the first phase of the quantitative reseach with stakeholders, researchers have been analizing the findings about the dynamic...

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The various opportunities of biochar

The various opportunities of biochar

Biochar offers numerous possibilities for CO2 reduction For example, it can replace fossil coal in the steel industry used to enrich steel with carbon, can be used as activated carbon to improve soil in agriculture, or can be added to feed for cows, which should...

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Textile communities gather in Poschiavo / Part 2

Textile communities gather in Poschiavo / Part 2

In less than 24 hours, #AlpTextyles will meet with five textile communities from the Alpine region! We are gathering at Polo Poschiavo for “New Intertwinings: Cross-border meeting of communities from the Alpine textile tradition,” a series of roundtables and...

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SmartCommUnity meeting in Willisau, Switzerland

SmartCommUnity meeting in Willisau, Switzerland

The project partners of a Interreg Alpine Space SmartCommUnity project convened for an insightful 2nd project meeting in Willisau, Switzerland on 13. and 14. September 2023. The meeting, chaired by the project coordinators from University of Ljubljana and hosted by...

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Sun detectives explore the building

Sun detectives explore the building

Right at the beginning of the project ADAPTNOW, project partner Energieinstitut Vorarlberg from Austria developed working materials for kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools in cooperation with our education department. The aim was to sensitise the...

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Grenoble-Alpes Métropole first events

Grenoble-Alpes Métropole first events

Grenoble-Alpes Métropole through ADAPTNOW project launched a local risks and resilience community with most of the municipalities of their territory, including local rulers and technicians. The purposes of this work community are: Help them to use the crisis decision...

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