quality of life!
The project represents a follow-up of the work done in the 10th Report on the State of the Alps (RSA10). More precisely, it focuses on recommendation dealing with how to empower the governance related to quality of life (QoL) in Alpine local communities. The project will start by raising awareness about QoL topic on the local level and interviewing the local communities about the state of the art on the matter. Project will continue with the collection of good practices on QoL governance and organisation of seminars to improve the capacities of the local communities and other interested stakeholders from the Alpine area. Work with the selected local communities will result in better insights into the local situation and the preparation of the roadmaps for better governance of QoL on the local level. The local roadmaps will then accumulate in the Alpine roadmap that could be of interest to the wider Alpine community.
Having this mind, we are looking for interested stakeholders (experts, institutional representatives, local policy-makers, ...) to join the other observers of the GOVQoL project. This status will allow us to inform you about the progress of the project, and invite you to various project events, e.g. seminars, on-line kick off,
final conference and others.

Programme events

Project events