Programme manual


Programme manual

This handy tool provides information and guidance on how to develop, implement and close an Interreg Alpine Space project.

It contains provisions concerning all phases of the project life cycle (see below), from the programme purpose and quality requirements, through project generation, contracting, project implementation until closure. Some chapters present the compulsory programme requirements (e.g. eligibility rules) while others intend to guide, inform and support in order to ensure a sound project implementation and management at all levels.

However, the programme manual does not replace any other documents, and we invite participants to study carefully the Interreg programme (IP), the EU-structural funds regulations and other relevant information provided by the Partner State in which they are situated.


The implementation of an Interreg Alpine Space project works like a contractual relationship between the lead partners and its project partners on the one hand, and between the project partnership as a whole and the managing authority on the other hand. The  partnership agreement constitutes  the  contractual  relationship  between  all  project  participants, whereas  the  subsidy  contract is  signed  between  the  lead partner  and  the  managing  authority.

See the chapter C. of the programme manual.

You can find in the annexes to the programme manual the templates as well as rules to be observed for the set-up of both documents.


What you and your project partners have achieved thanks to cooperation and EU funding is great, let everyone know about it!

Communication is key to the success of Alpine Space projects: it helps to build strong relationship between the organisations involved or benefiting from the project, creates new opportunities, supports the achievement of the project objectives and fosters the transfer of the project results to other organisations or regions.

Project partners should therefore integrate communication at the core of their project. All Alpine Space projects are required to develop a communication strategy, which will support them in planning and implementing their communication activities strategically. In this page, project participants will be able to find guidance, tools and resources for the creation and implementation of their communication strategy.

See the chapter D.4 of the programme manual.


In the programme manual, project managers and partners will be provided with information and guidance related to the implementation of their project, after approval and for the whole project duration:


First level control manual


Public procurement


State aid


Project communication


Ownership of project outputs and intellectual property rights


Project changes






Project management

See the chapter D. of the programme manual.

Further information on reporting and eligibility can be found in the FAQ – Frequently asked questions and in our video tutorials:



Project partners will find in the programme manual information on the process and the relevant steps to be taken by the lead partner (LP) once the project has reached the end date of its implementation.

See the chapter E. of the programme manual.