Meet the young volunteer: Eliana Colzani

Mar 13, 2024

How can young people be involved in European cooperation initiatives?

Some projects have already seen the positive impact of involving young people in their activities. Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) initiative is dedicated to young people (between 18 and 30 years old) who wish to contribute to Interreg projects that promote European cooperation across borders.

Eliana Colzani is an IVY volunteer based in Slovenia and currently involved in the Alpine Space H2MA project, focused on green hydrogen mobility infrastructures. Eliana gave us some insight into her background, daily tasks and feedback on the experience. Here is what she shared with us:

What motivated me the most to participate in the H2MA project was the opportunity to collaborate and support the project with my creativity. I strongly believe in the value that art can offer through the visual representation of words and concepts. In general, in my daily work, I consistently value art and its implications as a means to express, educate, inform, document, and bring people together. I have participated in different international volunteering and Erasmus+ projects and I just came across the Interreg opportunities while seeking for new opportunities: when I read about this project last September I decided to apply, and luckily I was selected!

This volunteering experience is connected to my profession since I have studied fine arts, also in my previous experiences I have always practiced the use of visual communication. I can say that visual communication, and art in general, are one of the most important aspects in my life and in my profession and education. My daily activities here mainly regard the creation of graphic and communication material, using programs like Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop or Canva (as well as hand digital drawing). Also sometimes, I write articles for H2MA, and I recently edited a video tutorial. Finally, I manage the social media and website of the H2MA project, to share events and news related to it!

What I am most proud of in my volunteering experiences is being able to connect with and learn from different people, cultures, ways of living, and environments. My advice to Interreg projects aiming to involve young volunteers is to help the volunteers to feel integrated with the team and with the local community. For example, by providing useful information about cultural events or communicating in a commonly understood language also during leisure time.

It’s already been four months since I arrived here, and I can say that I now have a clearer perception of how collaboration among countries in the Alpine region is developed. I also have a better understanding of the various advantages, pros, and challenges that a project involving partners from different regions brings. I would describe transnational cooperation with 3 words: support, encounter, co-creation.

Regarding my next plans, I will stay here in Slovenia for the whole year!


We would like to thank Eliana for taking the time to answer our questions. Her experience confirms the positive impact that young people can have on European cooperation!

Read more about the IVY here.