9th-12th September 2024, Padova (Italy): 14th SISEF National Congress – Foreste per il future. MOSAIC awarded for the best oral presentation!

Sep 12, 2024

9th-12th September 2024, Padova (Italy): 14th SISEF National Congress – Foreste per il future. MOSAIC awarded for the best oral presentation!

Oral and poster presentations by Matteo Domanico and Donato Morresi. Matteo Domanico had a poster about the magnitude of post-dispersal seed predation and the influence of the main seed predators in a post-fire environment with implications to guide post-fire and post-disturbance management and consider seeding as an alternative to plantation. Donato Morresi gave a talk on the attribution of disturbance agents to the patches detected by the algorithm published in Morresi et al. (2024). Morresi received an award for the best oral presentation