Eleonora Cordioli from FBK at the event SDEWES 2024

Sep 17, 2024

The Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) researcher Eleonora Cordioli recently participated in the 19th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems in Rome from 8-12 September 2024.

SDEWES2024 gathered experts to explore cutting-edge methods, policies, and technologies that promote sustainable development by decoupling economic growth from natural resource use and driving the shift toward a knowledge-based economy—all while balancing the economic, environmental, and social pillars of sustainability.

At the conference, Eleonora presented her work titled “Green Hydrogen in the Alps: Mapping Local Stakeholders’ Perspectives and Identifying Opportunities for Decarbonization” in the session Sustainable education, policies and governance 1. This study, part of the Interreg Alpine Space AMETHyST project, delves into the potential of green hydrogen applications in the Alpine region.

The researcher reported that the event “was an excellent platform for exchanging ideas and connecting with fellow sustainability advocates”.

More information on the event: https://energy.fbk.eu/news