Through ADAPTNOW project, Grenoble-Alpes Métropole wish to develop and improve the decision support tools. On 21st of June Grenoble-Alpes Metropole gathered the Risk and Resilience community. The workshop dealt with the Graduated Anticipation Plan (GAP). This tool is designed for decision support against flash floods and rely on “actions with least regrets”.
The tool defines thresholds at which decisions are taken before dikes failure or torrential overflowing. The GAP was firstly developed for Drac floods, and was later applied for the torrential water stream of the Sonnant (Gières municipality). The objective was to introduce the working principle of the Plan, and its application in crisis anticipation. The municipalities of Sessinet-Pariset and Gières, which already use the tool, introduced its applications.
The meeting was held during Drac and Romanche exceptional floods, which was caused by heavy rain upstream of GAM territory, within the Oisans mountain range. Earlier this day, the event caused the destruction of Bérarde hamlet. Sessinet-Pariset municipality were concerned by Drac floods and activated its Graduated Anticipation.