The GOVQoL project – short for “Empowering local governance of Alpine communities for a better quality of life” – is one of the newest small-scale projects in the Interreg Alpine Space programme. The project consists in a follow-up of the work done for the 10th Report on the State of the Alps. More precisely, it focuses on recommendations to empower the local governance related to quality of life (QoL) in Alpine communities.
The project will start by raising awareness about QoL topic on the local level and interviewing local communities about the state of the art on the matter. Then, local
workshops with selected municipalities will improve partners’ insights about the local situation and enable the preparation of local roadmaps for better governance of QoL. The local roadmaps will then accumulate into an Alpine roadmap that could be of interest to the wider Alpine community.
The first possibility to learn more about the project and contribute to the debate on the local governance of quality of life will be the online kick-off meeting which will take place on Monday, April 7th, between 10.00 and 12.00. Everybody interested to learn more about the project topic and discuss about it, is welcomed to join us. In order to secure smooth organisation, please, register on the following link: