SOLOS Project: Revolutionizing Aquaponics

May 28, 2024

At the partner meeting in South Tyrol, the project consortium was given a change to visit the SOLOS project. By implementing closed water systems, SOLOS aims to revolutionize how we grow crops and raise fish.

At the heart of the SOLOS Project lies a simple yet ingenious idea: fish waste as fertilizer. Microorganisms in a biofilter convert the ammonium in fish excrements into nitrate, which serves as a nutrient for the plants. The plants absorb the nitrate and filter the water, ensuring its cleanliness for the fish.

By cultivating crops hydroponically (in water) rather than in soil, SOLOS eliminates the need for traditional pesticides and reduces water consumption significantly by up to 90 %. The system allows for a twelve times more efficient land use, producing up to twelve times more per square metre than industrial intensive farming. Currently, SOLOS focuses on salads which are easy and fast to grow, the farm produces 5000 salads per week. However, further experimentations with herbs and other plants are ongoing.

As part of an Interreg project, SOLOS is delving into fish feed optimization. By fine-tuning the nutritional content of fish feed, they aim to enhance fish health and growth. Healthy fish produce better-quality waste, which in turn benefits the plants.

SOLOS aspires to create a plug-and-play aquaponics system. By simplifying the complexities of aquaponics, they hope to encourage widespread adoption. Their long-term vision includes becoming a competence center for aquaponics research and education.

For further information, visit the SOLOS Project website: