Start of the 4th period of H2MA project and Local Working Groups

Jun 5, 2024

While the H2MA project has entered its fourth period, we are delighted to share that the project’s Local Working Groups (LWG) have been already set up in the partner regions!

In this first rounds, the LWGs were primarily used to present and discuss the H2MA project, and especially the H2MA planning tool, with the local stakeholders. Suggestions, challenges, needs, and feedbacks were collected in the various regions, highlighting the importance of involving public and private actors, as well as the local communities, to ensure the effectiveness and relevance of hydrogen mobility initiatives.

H2MA Stakeholders emphasized the importance of the H2MA tool, noting its strengths and challenges. For example they mentioned the need and benefits of a possible online tool and website, or the ability to reopen saved scenarios. The importance of the tool in providing a comprehensive overview of existing and planned hydrogen infrastructure, including detailed information about production sites and hydrogen refuelling stations (HRSs), was also recognized.

In conclusion, after the first rounds of meetings, it is important to note that, despite the challenges, successful approaches were identified. Including the importance of fostering collaboration and partnerships to combine expertise and resources, and implementing pilot projects to demonstrate the viability and benefits of hydrogen technology.