In the future, recurring disasters related to climate change will affect nature and humans in the Alpine region even more severely and unpredictably than today. In order to be able to cope with unpredictable climate events, ADAPTNOW works on strengthening the adaptive capacity of Highly Affected and Exposed Territories (HAET). To this end, the project partners implement and evaluate the available tools and practices for climate adaption and risk mitigation. By bringing together different local stakeholders, such as regional sectoral agencies and research centres, ADAPTNOW aims to make risk and adaption planning more integrated, collaborative and inclusive.
- 2021 – 2027
- Climate resilient and green Alpine region
- SO 1.1 - Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, resilience, taking into account eco-system based approaches
- AG8 Risk governance
- 11/2022
- 10/2025
- 2.034.650 EUR
- 1.525.988 EUR
Climate change is happening now and we need to be better prepared for its consequences on citizens' wellbeing, nature and the economy. We must act fast, smart, effectively and integrate adaptation measures across all sectors and levels of society.
ADAPTNOW objective is to increase the risk management and adaptation capacities of Highly Affected and Exposed Alpine Territories (HAET) through the implementation and evaluation of agile, integrated, systemic and participatory approaches coordinated by regional and local public authorities with the support of sectoral agencies and research institutes.
ADAPTNOW will work on strengthening the adaptive capacity of Highly Affected and Exposed Alpine Territories (HAET) by implementing and evaluating the available climate adaptation and risk mitigation management tools and practices, assessing the Climate Adaptation Plans and developing Climate Services to support the territories and their local public authorities. Ultimately, ADAPTNOW aims at making risk and adaptation planning more integrated, collaborative and inclusive. This will be reached through a more dynamic, agile and participatory planning process in which all local stakeholders need to be involved.
ADAPTNOW brings together regional sectoral agencies and research centres from five AS countries (France, Italia, Austria, Germany and Slovenia) to support Pilot Actions and help set up and run Climate Services in support of 7+ HAET in the Alps. Their efforts will be focused in implementing and evaluating the adaptive capacity of pilots within predominant hazards in the Alps: Heatwaves, Heavy rains/floods and Gravitational/landslides. Key sectors have been identified to assess related impacts: Urban infrastructure, Forestry, Tourism and Health.
A replication action will link at least 6 additional HAET outside the partners consortium to test the replicability of climate adaptation and risk mitigation tools and practices, climate services and policy recommendations to ensure that HAET in the Alps can also strengthen their adaptation capacities.
ADAPTNOW will provide:
- Support information and knowledge exchange of existing adaptation and risk mitigation management tools and practices a transnational/regional/local levels to improve the adaptive capacities of HAET;
- At least 7 pilots will test the adapting capacity of specific economic sectors within HAET (Urban infrastructure, Forestry, Tourism and Health) share their experiences and develop more integrated and agile adaptation planning;
- Existing Climate Support Services will be tailored to the local needs and increase the adaptation capacity of HAET;
- Raise awareness among experts, policymakers, and citizens to create a common and shared knowledge of Alpine risks & adaptation solutions and practices.
Project outputs will be:
- Guidebook for introducing advanced Climate Adaptation and Risk Mitigation planning at local level
- Alpine Climate Adaptation Support Service Packag
- Replication guid
- Policy recommendations
- 45.77163274.8649712
- 44.40711118.9350994
- 46.494530211.3472734
- 45.193451045.76550849
- 48.076993511.6615136
- 45.06697147.6564385
- 47.724224510.31926659412166
- 47.4063629.7431549
- 46.559939215.6373107
- 44.41133178.9070062
- 46.5515197515.49303763874046
- 45.18874315.7391967

Guidebook for introducing advanced Climate Adaptation and Risk Mitigation planning at local level
OT2.1 will provide methodological guidelines for designing, implementing and assessing pilot actions targeted at experimenting advanced local planning. It provides answers to: how to make a change in planning and includes case studies based on pilots, examples of nature-based adaptation measures. Targeted at CA&RM planners in regional and local administrations and experts in support organizations OT2.1 available online in an interactive format in EN and National languages -
Alpine Climate Adaptation Support Service Package
OT2.2 is targeted at sectoral agencies supporting the scaling up of local action for CA&RM, through the introduction of climate support services devoted to HAET in their region. OT2.2 draws on pilot activities and services being tested and deployed in T2. It will provide advice and guidance based on a set of concrete examples, testimonies, learnings and recommendations. It will be available online in an interactive format in EN and National languages. -
Replication guide
An online replication guide will provide advice for further replication in other Alpine HAET. It will include recommendations based on feedback, testimonies and learnings from the replication pairings as well as policy discussions during the Alpine policy roundtable. It will be made widely available through existing climate adaptation platforms (EUSALP CAPA, Climate-Adapt, regional platforms) and promoted through EUSALP AG8&9. -
Policy recommendations
Recommendations in EN for EUSALP, regional and local policy-makers: insights on policy improvements (governance, financing, stakeholder engagement, capacity building at local level).
- Group picture_KOM Grenoble, FranceAuvergne-Rhône-Alpes Energy Environment Agency
- Project partners at the meeting
- WSED event 2024@WSED 2024
- Munich-Science-Days-FORSCHAUniversity of the Bundeswehr Munich
- Bundeswehr-University-Munich@unibw.de
- GreenSPAS study visit in France
- ADAPTNOW project partners
- Heat action summer in Kempten:sun detectives and drinking fountains@eza!-Klimaschutz
Activity A.1.1: Identifying Climate Adaptation and Risk Mitigation Instruments Supporting Local ActionDownload
Activity A.1.2: Mobilizing local actors and establishing cooperation frameworks_short versionDownload
Topic briefs suited to regional and local actors for integrated planning: examples, support tools and capacity building programmes.Download
Activity A.2.1: Pilot designDownload
Activity A.2.3: Implementation and Promotion of Climate Support ServicesDownload
The Open Call to select Promoting Organizations in Alpine territory more informations.Download
n the face of increasing climate risks and environmental challenges, municipalities and regional stakeholders need effective strategies to enhance resilience, protect communities, and ensure sustainable development. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) have emerged as a key approach, offering cost-effective and multifunctional benefits for climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction. However, implementing these solutions at the local level requires clear guidance, practical knowledge, and an understanding of best practices.Download
In order to strengthen their adaptive capacity, local municipalities must identify methodologies and strategies able to promote and facilitate the development of the climate adaptation measures within the territories, verifying their implementation feasibility and identifying appropriate financial and funding mechanisms to finance the implementation of climate adaptation measures.Download
Climate Change Adaptation must not stop at isolated actions carried out by municipalities and technical or infrastructure stakeholders, it must be integrated across the targeted community to maximize its impact. Climate Change Adaptation relies on awareness and knowledge of Climate Hazards, collective resilience and collaboration. Thus, a series of Community Engagement and Communication methods are shared in this topic brief to include alongside any adaptation measure adopted by local municipalities.Download
The Alpine region faces increasingly complex climate-related challenges, where extreme weather events often trigger secondary and cascading impacts, such as landslides, floods, and infrastructure failures. These interconnected risks threaten both communities and ecosystems. This workshop aimed to build a shared understanding of extreme, compound, and cascading events, identify gaps in current risk management, and develop tailored strategies to enhance local preparedness and communication.Download
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Project calendar