The Alpine area is one of the regions in Europe most affected by rising temperatures. Cities surrounded by mountains face growing risks such as heatwaves, poor air quality, and public health challenges. Yet, public awareness of the actions needed remains low. By involving citizens directly, COMMONAIR aims to foster informed discussions, smarter policies, and stronger adaptation to climate challenges. Through collaboration across regions and countries, COMMONAIR also seeks to facilitate the exchange of best practices, with a view to enhancing climate resilience in the Alps.
- 2021 – 2027
- Cooperatively managed and developed Alpine region
- SO 4.1 - Enhancing institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders to implement macro-regional strategies and sea-basin strategies, as well as other territorial strategies
- AG8 Risk governance
- 634.575 EUR
- 404.531 EUR
- Lead partner
- Italy
- Piemonte (ITC1)
- Riccardo Pollo
- riccardo.pollo@polito.it
- Italy
- Piemonte (ITC1)
- Torino
- Riccardo Saraco
- riccardo.saraco@comune.torino.it
- Austria
- Wien (AT13)
- Wien
- Florian Teichmann
- florian.teichmann@tuwien.ac.at
- Switzerland
- Zürich (CH04)
- Winterthur
- Stephan Brenneisen
- bres@zhaw.ch
- France
- Rhône-Alpes (FRK2)
- Grenoble
- Xavier Perrin
- xavier.perrin@grenoble.fr
- 45.0542017500000047.686955115929997
- 45.07310537.6810397
- 48.1985396516.369861676286614
- 47.49992068.7204505
- 45.18623875.7350717
Pilot action
In the first year of the project (period 1 and part of period 2), based on the skills and experiences of the partners in the research field as well as in the participatory practice, citizen science experiments will be developed. Pilot actions by target groups will investigate local climate to increase community knowledge of climate change and the adaptation policies needed. Seven pilots are planned in the four countries. Such experiences will be shared and discussed among all the partners. -
Cooperation pacts - Community Climate Sentinel
Cooperation pacts or similar agreements will be developed as a joint solution to be applied in the project areas to strengthen participation in the adaptation planning and policies by the public institutions. Through the Community Climate Sentinel pacts, the on-site measurements and discussion activities will continue, both as an important source of scientific knowledge and as a way of community empowerment to tackle extreme heat risks. -
Involvement of Organisations at different levels increasing their institutional capacity
On a transnational level, EUSALP AG8 will be involved, participating in the 06/2025 and semiannual 2026 meetings. The Alpine Convention will be informed about the results of the project. The practices and results of Commonair will be shared by the partners in local and international initiatives, creating synergies. The project will join the labelling process that will be set up as part of the 100 climate neutral cities initiative. At the local level, many organisations will be actively involved.