Green Hydrogen Mobility for Alpine Region Transportation (H2MA)
News & Events


H2MA works to accelerate the transnational roll-out of green hydrogen mobility infrastructure in the Alpine region, to curb CO2 emissions and foster the transition to low-carbon transport. Through the joint development of cooperation mechanisms, strategies, tools, and resources, the project will increase the capacities of territorial public authorities and relevant stakeholders to collaboratively plan and pilot test zero-emission hydrogen routes across the Alps. As a result, H2MA will improve the governance of green hydrogen mobility, boost the uptake of green hydrogen for heavy transport, unlock green financing, and strengthen the cooperation framework between public authorities and companies involved in green hydrogen mobility.



  • 2021 – 2027
  • Carbon neutral and resource sensitive Alpine region
  • SO 2.1 - Promoting energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions
    • AG9 Energy efficiency and renewable energy
  • 11/2022
  • 10/2025
  • 2.273.155 EUR
  • 1.704.866 EUR


H2MA brings together 11 partners from all 5 Interreg Alpine Space EU countries (SI, IT, DE, FR, AT), to coordinate and accelerate the transnational roll-out of green hydrogen (H2) infrastructure for transport and mobility in the Alpine region. Through the joint development of cooperation mechanisms, strategies, tools, and resources, H2MA will increase the capacities of territorial public authorities and stakeholders to overcome existing barriers and collaboratively plan and pilot test transalpine zero-emission H2 routes.

H2MA’s integrated planning and implementation solutions for H2 mobility will enable the synchronized deployment of transnational infrastructure for freight and passenger transport (heavy duty trucks and railway in the short-term, maritime and aviation in the long-term), in tandem with urban mobility planning (buses), amplifying the macro-regional impact of currently siloed initiatives. As a result, H2MA will contribute to climate change mitigation (by curbing GHG emissions), reduce air and noise pollution, and further support the growth of Alpine space as a sustainable transportation hub, significantly advancing the shift to low-carbon mobility.


  1. Improve the governance of green H2 mobility in the Alpine region, as over 20 policy authorities and 80 stakeholders will use and upscale project outputs (resources, tools, strategies), optimizing mobility plans.
  2. Boost the uptake of green H2 for heavy-duty transportation across the Alpine space by supporting infrastructure development for at least 2,000 H2-powered vehicles, thus contributing to saving approximately 240 thousand CO2 tons (per year) by 2030.
  3. Unlock green financing and improve the cooperation framework between public authorities and businesses involved in green H2 mobility in the Alpine region, by deepening public-private synergies and harmonizing policy planning with automotive and green H2 production and distribution value chains.


Energy Agency of Savinjska, Saleska and Koroska Region (Lead partner)
  • Lead partner
  • Slovenia
  • Vzhodna Slovenija (SI03)
  • Velenje
BSC, Business Support Centre, Ltd, Kranj
  • Slovenia
  • Zahodna Slovenija (SI04)
  • Kranj
  • France
  • Alsace (FRF1)
  • Strasbourg
Lombardy Foundation for the Environment
  • Italy
  • Lombardia (ITC4)
  • Milano
Cluster Pole Vehicule du Futur
  • France
  • Franche-Comté (FRC2)
  • Etupes
Turin Metropolitan City
  • Italy
  • Piemonte (ITC1)
  • Torino
Climate Partner Upper Rhine Valley
  • Germany
  • Freiburg (DE13)
  • Freiburg
4ward Energy Research Ltd
  • Austria
  • Steiermark (AT22)
  • Graz
Lombardy Region
  • Italy
  • Lombardia (ITC4)
  • Milan
Italian German Chamber of Commerce Munich-Stuttgart
  • Germany
  • Oberbayern (DE21)
  • Munich
Codognotto Italia
  • Italy
  • Veneto (ITH3)
  • Salgareda
  • 46.370966915.0979769
  • 46.246576514.3644724
  • 48.5733789500000067.7523399496465775
  • 45.4892079.1936874
  • 47.51646656.8740432
  • 45.07084897.663984
  • 48.03822337.8179004
  • 47.064760415.4077223
  • 45.48604249.1959558
  • 48.1299611.5309879
  • 45.70412312.4925871


  • Common planning and decision-making resource set to jointly coordinate the roll-out of green H2 mobility infrastructure across Alpine transportation networks

    The output O 1.1 - The Common planning and decesion-making resource set to jointly coordinate the roll-out of green H2 mobility infrastructure across Alpine transportation networks
    The output O 1.1 – referred as a “Common planning and decision-making resource set to jointly coordinate the roll-out of green H2 mobility infrastructure across Alpine transportation networks” presents a set of resources developed within the WP1 of the H2MA projects. Within the workload, the PPs have investigated the roll-out rate of the green H2 infrastructure in their territories, based on the KPIs set in their respective local/regional/national mobility action plans and H2 strategies. Based on the findings and counting in the existing EU regulation, the partners have developed a decision-support planning tool, also called “H2MA planning tool”, which not only serves as a resource set and a database for presenting existing and planned hydrogen infrastructure units in the partner territories, but is also able to present future roll-out scenarios, helping local authorities and decision makers on different levels, by the spatial planning of future green H2 infrastructure projects. The tool along with the user guidelines, developed within the activity A 1.5 of the H2MA project, can be downloaded HERE  

  • Recommendations and updates for local, regional, and national hydrogen strategies and mobility plans, integrating H2MA knowledge, resources, and tools

    The output O 1.2 – referred as a “Recommendations and updates for local, regional, and national hydrogen strategies and mobility plans integrating H2MA knowledge, resources, and tools” was developed in a merged approach together with the activity A 1.6 – “Integrating H2MA knowledge and resources into partnership territories’ H2 and mobility strategies”. The partners have updated their regional and local H2 strategies and mobility plans with the knowledge and resources produced within the first two periods of the H2MA project. The outcomes have been collected in the “Report on the implementation and achievements of recommendations and updates of local, regional and national hydrogen strategies and mobility plans, integrating H2MA knowledge, resources and tools”.

  • Common ‘green H2 mobility routes’ interconnecting current with upcoming/planned infrastructure across the Alpine space

    Pilot testing will result in setting up transalpine routes and proposing a corresponding green H2 infrastructure network for commercial/freight and urban mobility. Local Working Groups will carry out the pilots, building capacities on how to combine territorial requirements with Alpine specificities, to deliver route designs for the 6 pilot territories, submitted for feedback to relevant national, Alpine, and EU bodies. All designs will be peer-reviewed and merged into a route masterplan.

  • Transferability toolbox for uptaking and/or upscaling the H2MA approach for green H2 mobility in partnership areas and beyond

    The toolbox comprises WP3.1 and WP3.2 business and policy resources (i.e., implementation handbook, governance model, policy harmonisation recommendations, roadmap for developing green H2 mobility ecosystems, interoperability synergies). It will guide and support business ecosystems and policy-makers both within partner areas and beyond to take-up and continue building on the project approach, building and/or strengthening collaboration with H2MA partners.

  • Collaboration framework with green H2 mobility actors, ecosystems, and businesses, initiating synergies to tap into green financing and investement opportunities.

    Partners, LWGs members, and stakeholders will liaise with H2 ecosystems and relevant businesses to sign Memoranda of Cooperation. As a result, H2MA will deliver an ‘Alpine collaboration framework’ that will enable targeted actors to jointly pool resources and capacities to unlock (transalpine) financing opportunities (e.g., setting up public-private partnerships). In this way, H2 ecosystems will be empowered to build upon and expand the transalpine route designs pilot-tested by H2MA.



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  • We kindly invite you to read the 1st Newsletter of the H2MA project! In the newsletter, you can find information about the project and project activities that we carried out together with the project partners in the past period. If you would like to receive our six monthly project Newsletter you can subscribe here.        
  • We kindly invite you to read the 2nd Newsletter of the H2MA project! In the newsletter, you can find information about the project and project activities that we carried out together with the project partners in the past period. If you would like to receive our six monthly project Newsletter you can subscribe here.
  • We kindly invite you to read the 3rd Newsletter of the H2MA project! In the newsletter, you can find information about the project and project activities that we carried out together with the project partners in the past period. If you would like to receive our six monthly project Newsletter you can subscribe here.
  • Starting from the problem, into a collective journey to achieve set goals by 31/10/2025. Take a look at the infographic of the H2MA project here and download the pdf file!  
  • A methodology with tools (questionnaire, KPIs, resources) and thematic instructions on how partners will collect territorial data regarding green H2 mobility infrastructure gaps.
  • Final report, presenting an analysis of the data collected from each partnership territory according to D1.1.1 methodology, outlining key Alpine infrastructure gaps and needs.
  • Input paper with guidelines to streamline the organisation of both on-site visits, providing also the thematic background on H2 planning requirements, to prepare participants.
  • Summary of the lessons learnt from the Strasbourg on-site visit, outlining the technical, economic, and safety requirements identified as essential in green H2 mobility planning for buses.
  • Summary of the lessons learnt from the Bavaria on-site visit, presenting the technical, economic, and safety requirements essential for green H2 mobility planning for trucks and trains.
  • Instructions on how partners will identify and evaluate H2 mobility planning approaches and specifications, employing the dedicated input forms and assessment criteria provided.
  • A presentation of the optimal design specifications of the H2MA tool, based on partners’ evaluations, which will take into account countries’ current and future infrastructure plans as core parameter.
  • Methodology with tools and guidelines on how partners can identify territorial factors influencing H2/RES maturity, outlining also the scenarios development process.
  • Compilation of partners’ data and deliver forecasting scenarios on H2 deployment and renewables maturity in Alpine space, prescribing their use for steering green H2 mobility planning.
  • Organisational guidelines, including tools to facilitate collaborations, on how partners can develop (jointly with stakeholders and experts) the H2MA planning tool in a workshop.
  • Analysis of participants’ suggestions to deliver recommendations on how to improve and finalise the tool, focusing on how it could integrate all key parameters (e.g., technical, territorial).
  • Presentation of the ‘H2MA planning tool’, developing its user interface and operational model, so that partners propose optimal infrastructure roll-out based on technoeconomic and safety parameters.
  • Guidelines on how to use the H2MA tool, including the tool's features, functions and scope.
  • Guidelines on how to integrate Work Package 1 (Joint strategic planning for green H2 mobility) resources into national/regional/local H2 strategies and mobility plans, providing indicative examples, measures and wordings.
  • A summary and an outline, with input from all partners that implemented changes in H2 strategies and plans, of the impact expected by integrating the H2MA resources in relevant policy documents.
  • Pilot action guidelines for pilot territories, defining steps, participants, timeline, expected results, as well as the procedures for setting up working groups.
  • A training package addressed to Local Working Groups participants to improve their understanding on H2 mobility planning and outline how the H2MA tool will be employed in the context of the pilots.
  • A training package addressed to Local Working Groups participants to improve their understanding on H2 mobility planning and outline how the H2MA tool will be employed in the context of the pilots.
  • A training package addressed to Local Working Groups participants to improve their understanding on H2 mobility planning and outline how the H2MA tool will be employed in the context of the pilots.


H2MA newsletter subscription
Project newsletter will be prepared and send out every six months, till the end of the project. It will contain information’s on achieved results, implemented activities, organized events and similar content that is relevant for H2MA project.   Here you can subscribe to H2MA newsletter.   

By subscribing to this newsletter, you are accepting to receive from time to time H2MA newsletter issues in your email inbox. We are committed to respect and protect the privacy of personal data collected. We regard your personal data as confidential information and will never communicate it to third parties. The data you entered may be used by the H2MA and its projects for information and dissemination purposes strictly related to the programme and its projects.


Project calendar

No upcoming events
    11 - 12 Oct 2023
    Workshop meeting on the H2MA tool
    Project: H2MA
    Organization of workshop in Turin, Italy.
    Progetto senza titolo (1)
    19 - 20 Sep 2023
    Study Visit on Urban Transportation
    Project: H2MA
    Organization of study visit on Urban Trasportation in Strasbourg, France
    Progetto senza titolo
    17 - 18 Apr 2023
    Study Visit on Long-Distance Transportation
    Project: H2MA
    Organization of study visit on commercial long-distance transportation
    Announcement_study visit
    21 - 22 Feb 2023
    H2MA Kick-off meeting
    Project: H2MA
    On site Kick-off meeting in Celje, Slovenia.

      Project news

      Start of the 4th period of H2MA project and Local Working Groups

      Beginning of the H2MA 4th period and LWG meetings!

      Italo-Bavarian Hydrogen Forum

      We are pleased to share the success of the Italo-Bavarian Hydrogen Forum!

      3rd H2MA Project Newsletter

      The H2MA 3rd Project Newsletter is out!

      H2MA Global Stakeholder Meeting

      We are excited to invite you for our upcoming H2MA Global Stakeholder Meeting!

      Beginning the 3rd period of H2MA project: new steps to accomplish

      As of the beginning of 2024, the H2MA project enters its third phase, aiming to pilot test green hydrogen routes, advance mobility plans, and enhance hydrogen supply planning in the Alpine region.

      Developing the H2MA Tool

      On 17 January, H2MA project partners joined into an online meeting to discuss on the developments made for the H2MA Tool.

      Territorial perspectives and development potentials: Austria

      Austria committed to become climate-neutral by 2040, thus the country has set ambitious targets when it comes to renewable energy sources (RES): by 2030, Austria wants to obtain its electricity supply completely from RES. Green hydrogen is an important enabler to reach this goal.

      Territorial perspectives and development potentials: France

      Hydrogen is making rapid strides in France. As a sustainable energy carrier, it has attracted attention from governments, businesses, and the public as a viable substitute for conventional energy resources.

      H2MA project meeting and interactive workshop

      On 11th and 12th October 2023, H2MA project partners participated at project meeting and a workshop meeting focused on the presentation of the draft of the “H2MA tool”.

      Study visit on planning specifications and requirements for urban H2 infrastructure


      Territorital perspectives and development potential: Italy

      Italy, like many other nations, faces the dual challenge of climate change and dependence on fossil energy sources. While the country has made significant strides in renewable energy production such as solar and wind power, hydrogen could offer a complementary solution to tackle future challenges.

      Start of the 2nd period of H2MA project and tasks to accomplish

      H2MA project has just completed its first steps, here an overview of what the next activities are.

      1st H2MA Project Newsletter

      We are happy to inform you that we have issued our 1st H2MA Project Newsletter.

      Study Visit on Long-Distance Transportation in Augsburg, Germany

      Purpose of this Study visit was to learn about the specifications and planning requirements for the creation of commercial and urban H2 green mobility routes for long-distance transport.

      Territorial perspectives and development potentials: Slovenia

      Slovenia has been addressing the introduction of hydrogen in transport since 2014, in 2023 it is at the very beginning with the installation of infrastructure for hydrogen vehicles and also with the introduction of vehicles into interregional public passenger transport.

      H2MA project dissemination

      On the 23th of March, representative Matevž Šilc from lead partner KSSENA, participated at event EUSALP - H2 Focus Group.

      H2MA project dissemination

      On the 7th of March, representative Matevž Šilc from lead partner KSSENA, participated at the Kick-off meeting of the AMETHyST project, where he presented the H2MA project. KSSENA was invited to participate to find synergies between projects and to explore the possibilities for further cooperation.

      H2MA project Kick-off meeting

      On site Kick off meeting was organized on 22th February 2023 in Celje, Slovenia.