Towards an Alpine Age - Friendly Environment


As the population is ageing and an increasing number of older people are isolated, new approaches as well as political commitment are needed. The concept of sustainable age-friendly environments (AFE) developed by the World Health Organisation uses an integrative approach to optimise the social and physical environments of elderly people. It promotes their active, healthy ageing and their continued participation in society. T.A.A.F.E enhanced the capacities of public authorities and service providers to develop sustainable age-friendly environments in the Alpine Space, through participatory co-creation methods.


  • 2014 – 2020
  • Innovative
  • Increase options for low carbon mobility and transport
    • Group 5: To connect people electronically and promote accessibility to public services
  • 10/2019
  • 06/2022
  • 1.909.708 EUR
  • 1.623.251 EUR


  • 45.8060412.6145065
  • 45.669153612.2508495
  • 45.6517513.7710895
  • 45.18756025.7357819
  • 43.28886275.3800719
  • 48.51100619.0473776
  • 46.0543107514.510552848720907
  • 46.047484914.10930124462923
  • 48.184168116.3310434
  • 48.5244120499999959.059721732699312
  • 46.95255215.888857398114107


  • Municipalities TAAFE model implementation manual

    The manual is an operational tool addressed to municipalities and public authorities in the Alpine Space wishing to initiate a participative process in order to implement services capable of intercepting the needs and desires of citizens, especially senior ones. It provides an overview of the theoretical background underlying the participatory process and practical suggestions for its implementation coming from the lesson learned in the pilot sites.

  • TAAFE toolkit

    TAAFE toolkit is primarily addressed to Alpine Space local communities and stakeholders who wish to explore new models to make their environments and communities more age friendly using participatory approach, but it also hopes to be of use and source of inspiration to wider Age Friendly community. The toolkit contains 4 mains parts: 1) The TAAFE model: its inspiration, its adaption to the Alpine Space , its structures and core elements 2) The deployment of the model at local level : elements and steps of work at local level are presented together with practical tips & tricks and a list of materials that can be used ( chapter 5) 3) The training needed to implement the model: Methodological facilitators meetings, methodological workshops; tips & tricks and a list of materials that can be used ( chapter 6) 4) The use of technology and the adaption of the model to the Covid 19 pandemic: specificities and tips & tricks to work long distance (chapter 7), the adaptation of the model in time of crisis with the example from the time of covid-19 pandemic (chapter 8).

  • TAAFE strategy for an age friendly alpine space

    Based on the exchange and the experiences gathered in the TAAFE pilots in five EU countries the strategy was developed with the aim of presenting an assessment of prerequisites for the scalability of the TAAFE model. The sustainability of the launched services and processes and of the TAAFE model at the local level and its extension to the regional level were core objectives of the TAAFE project. The strategy at hand outlines experiences of the TAAFE project and reflects on what these lessons learned tell us about upscaling opportunities of co-design processes with older adults and about how results of the related activities can be adapted to support more and/or other communities and social groups in the Alpine Space.