FosTering ehealth and social Innovations as Game-changers in sEnior and Remote care


The Alpine region is characterized by rugged mountainous terrain, resulting in isolated communities in remote areas with limited access to healthcare services. TIGER addresses these challenges through eHealth and social innovations, developing a Systemic Support Model with regional service points and customised services. By co-designing solutions with public and private health actors, TIGER aims to positively impact policy development and stakeholder interactions on a transnational level.


  • 2021 – 2027
  • Innovation and digitalisation supporting a green Alpine region
  • SO 3.1 - Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies
    • 2.672.959 EUR
    • 2.004.720 EUR


    ICS Internationalisation Centre Styria (Lead partner)
    • Lead partner
    • Austria
    • Steiermark (AT22)
    • Graz
    Human.technology Styria
    • Austria
    • Steiermark (AT22)
    • Graz
    Geriatric Health Centers of the City of Graz
    • Austria
    • Steiermark (AT22)
    • Graz
    Innovation and Business Incubator Nürnberg-Fürth-Erlangen
    • Germany
    • Mittelfranken (DE25)
    • Erlangen
    OTH – Technical University of Applied Sciences
    • Germany
    • Oberpfalz (DE23)
    • Weiden
    Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Nice Côte d’Azur
    • France
    • Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (FRL0)
    • Nice
    Association EUROBIOMED
    • France
    • Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (FRL0)
    • Marseille
    Upper Adriatic Technology Park
    • Italy
    • Friuli-Venezia Giulia (ITH4)
    • Pordenone
    Ca‘ Foscari University of Venice
    • Italy
    • Veneto (ITH3)
    • Venice
    Technology Park Ljubljana
    • Slovenia
    • Zahodna Slovenija (SI04)
    • Ljubljana
    IZRIIS Institute for research, Training and Consulting in Public Health & Digital Health
    • Slovenia
    • Zahodna Slovenija (SI04)
    • Ljubljana
    • 47.086805515.4396451
    • 47.079961715.469148
    • 47.063375715.4284994
    • 49.543132511.0261534
    • 49.669870412.1739762
    • 43.70093587.2683912
    • 43.30169495.3701123
    • 45.956250312.6597197
    • 45.434395912.3260884
    • 46.049382114.4607368
    • 46.07268134999999614.506700451521457


    • Validation pilot of Systemic Support Model

      The Systemic Support Model will enable a coordinated and structured approach for innovation diffusion support services at all TRLs. It will be implemented via regional service points & the online one-stop-shop to allow joint service provision at transnational level. The Model will be tested in a transnational pilot action, involving at least 4 partner regions. The results will be considered when finalizing the Systemic Support Model.

    • Validated Systemic Support Model

      The Systemic Support Model is a collaboration model between users and providers, structured as an open transnational hub. It allows the exploitation of comparative advantages of suppliers and avoids duplication of activities. SMEs and Start-ups can access the model via the online one-stop-shop to book the services. The inquiries will be then transferred to the respective regional service points which will provide the service, independently from the location of the company.

    • Innovation support services pilots

      Predefined innovation support services are: Expert Assessment, Hackathon, Market Entry Accelerator for Innovative Technologies, Market Access Strategy for Mature Technologies, Product Validation in Targeted Environment, Matchmaking platform. 2 further services will be co-designed with the target group, observers and actors like EUSALP AG1. The service novelty will be defined as new-to-territory, -sector or new-in-implementation-method. Each service will be validated in min. 4 pilot territories.

    • Innovation Support Guide

      The co-designed 8 services for innovation diffusion will be tested, refined (if necessary) + validated through pilot actions in at least 4 participating regions. The validated service solutions will be owned by the project partners. The PPs will publish an Innovation Support Guide summarizing all validated services as well as giving recommendations on how to implement them. The Guide will target other service providers willing to uptake the solutions + will be made available upon signed MoU.

    • Policy recommendation

      As a result of the series of policy briefs, the PPs will prepare a policy recommendation giving stakeholders / policy makers a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted aspects of innovation in senior and remote care and develop targeted strategies to address them effectively.